
Mrs. Brooks


The purpose of the Hamblen County Department of Education's elementary guidance program is to help students to become successful, productive, and self-sufficient citizens.  To be productive citizens our students need:

to accept responsibility
to respect humanity
to care for their community
to learn to adapt to change
to seek peaceful solutions to conflicts
to understand that it is their duty to contribute to society



The elementary school guidance counselor helps children 

 learn to make responsible decisions and become independent problem solvers
 build a positive attitude toward self and others
 recognize and accept their abilities and limitations
 understand and deal with their feelings
 learn to get along with other people
 cope with situations that are difficult to change
 become aware of the world of work
The elementary school guidance counselor works with parents by

 encouraging a positive home/school relationship
 encouraging better communication with school personnel
 being available through phone contacts, conferences, and parent organizations
 The elementary school guidance counselor works with teachers by

receiving classroom concerns and referrals
working with the community programs and specialists in the school to meet the needs of children

 How does a student get to see the school counselor?

 Self referral

 Teacher referral

 Parent referrral

 Administrative referral


 Reasons students may want to see the guidance counselor

support and understanding

enhancing self-concept

improving peer relationships

learning problem solving skills

modifying behavior

learning about careers

feeling good about school


The Hamblen County elementary guidance program is conducted through classroom guidance activities, small group sessions, and individual contacts.

If you would like to speak to Mrs. Brooks or to make a referral, she can be reached at the Intermediate building at 585-3861 or at the Primary building 586-6560.


Character Counts

Since it is the goal of the guidance program to ensure the future for our society and the preservation of our heritage, we encourage families and community groups to promote character traits which are symbolic of responsible citizens. The Hamblen County Department of Education adopted the Character Counts program as the basis for its elementary guidance curriculum.  The program is aimed at developing students with character traits that will enable them to become productive citizens. Character Counts is centered around the six personal qualities identified as being basic to good character.  These qualities include

Trustworthiness--Honesty and Integrity, promise-keeping

Respect--Treating others the way you want to be treated

Responsibility--Do what you are supposed to do

Fairness--Be open-minded and listen to others

Caring--Helping and forgiving

Citizenship--Obey rules and laws


Go to the Character Counts section under "Clubs and Organizations" on the Russellville website to see the photo albums of students who won Character Counts awards.

Dino Love

 A Special Friend

Sometimes I'm happy

And sometimes sad.

Sometimes I'm scared

And sometimes mad.

When I need a friend to listen,

Someone to understand,

A place to go and talk a bit,

The counselor can lend a hand.

We might read a story

Or play a game,

Watch a film, or just chat

About why I came.

When I need help

It's nice to know

That the counselor's office

Is the place to go.