Character Counts



Since it is the goal of the guidance program to ensure the future for our society and the preservation of our heritage, we encourage families and community groups to promote character traits which are symbolic of responsible citizens. The Hamblen County Department of Education adopted the Character Counts program as the basis for its elementary guidance curriculum.  The program is aimed at developing students with character traits that will enable them to become productive citizens. Character Counts is centered around the six personal qualities identified as being basic to good character.  These qualities include

- Trustworthiness--Honesty and Integrity, promise-keeping
- Respect--Treating others the way you want to be treated
- Responsibility--Do what you are supposed to do
- Fairness--Be open-minded and listen to others
- Caring--Helping and forgiving
- Citizenship--Obey rules and laws


At Russellville, these traits are discussed in guidance classes each week for one month per trait.  At the end of the month, classroom teachers select a student who best demonstrates this character trait in the classroom.  This student is recognized with a Character Counts t-shirt and certificate, as well as recognition through photos in the hallways of Russellville and yearbook recognition.  Check out the Character Counts winners in the photo album above.

Mrs. Winstead

Mrs. Winstead, School Counselor